Tuesday 10 May 2016

Blended Learning Week 10

I created the table by using 'create table' and named it 'athlete'. I have included all the details as told by using specific types such as int, varchar, mediumblob and date.

Then, I have included the sample data into the table as follows. I have used 'insert into' the database and table name along with the variables as well as the values that are to be inserted into, which are the athlete's details. As you can see, at the end of the screenshot I have used 'select * from athlete' in order to display all the athlete's details from the table. For this step, I have not inserted an image into the table just yet.

After I have inserted all the data, I then proceed to insert the image by using load_file() as shown below. In the load_file() function I have included the image path that I have saved in the C:/ directory.